PPT 2D: Chapter 3 Progress Update! (6/14/2024)

PPT 2D: Chapter 3 Progress Update! (6/14/2024)

Hi there, Sunneh Here, and Here's Another Progress Update Regarding the Development of Poppy Playtime 2D: Chapter 3!

If You Haven't Done So Already, Check Out the Previous 2 Chapters to Get Caught Up on the Story Itself! Anyways Here's a Quick Run-down of How Much Has Been Done, And Among Other Things!


We Got Sidetracked With A Few Things, But A Public Demo Was Meant to Be Released on My Birthday, On May 28th, 2024. However, That Plan Didn't Get Anywhere and We Are Now Aiming for a Summer/Fall Public Demo Release Instead! There Was Some Major Setbacks, Some Already Dealt With, While Others Still In effect, For Example, My Birthday Party, As Well as DarkDemonGamer_1's School Exams He's Been Busy Working On, He Still Has Until Wednesday to Properly Finish Those, So I've Been Doing Mostly Everything on My Own, Which Has Slowed Development of Chapter Three Quite a Bit. We Are Very Sorry for The Inconvenience This May Have Caused and We Hope to Release It Sometime This Summer In 2024! We'll Try to Keep You Posted on That as We Get Further into Development!


Since Then, We Have Made Great Progress Since the Last Progress Update from May 10th, 2024. We Have Since Got into the Playcare Section of the Game. The Cable Car Ride Scene Is Fully Complete, and we Are Already Now Working on the Introduction of The Gas Production Zone Areas! Here Are A Few Looks into That Area:

Gas Production Zone Room

The Room Where the Magic Happens!
Parkour Over Poppy Water Room
Parkouring Over Poppy Water? Acid? What Exactly Is it?

Purple Hand Room

The Room Where You Get the New Grab pack Tech!
Anyways That's All from This Short Development Log! Stay On the Sunny Side!

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